Poster Preparation
Size of posters should be less than four feet in width and three feet in height (1219.2 x 914.4 mm, similar to A0 size in landscape). Organization committee will assign the space to each poster by showing the poster number on the board. Presenter will be required to post the poster before 9 am, December 16th and take it down before 5 pm, December 17. Mounting materials will be provided at the registration desk.
Students' posters are subject to the student poster awards. During the poster sessions, judges will visit each poster. Students are requested to present their posters to the judges during assigned time. Even number posters will be judged from 13:00 to 13:45 pm, December 16 and odd number posters from 13:00 to 13:45 pm, December 17. Selected posters will also be presented in the student presentation sessions on both dates. There will be a separate student award for the best presentation from each day.
Oral Presentations
The venue is equipped with a PC and a laptop connection. Both hardwired and wireless internet accesses are available. Powerpoint is available on the PC.
Award Rubrics
Posters will be evaluated for content (research questions, approaches, results, interepretation and discussions), appearance (appeal to the viewers and usage of text/figure/table) and delivery of poster.
Each poster will be evaluated by at least three judges, and the best poster will receive the IPFS Student Poster Award.
Student oral presentations will be evaluated by a panel of judges for content (research questions, methods, results, interpreation and discussion) and clearness of presentation (quality of slides and manner of speaking). The best presentation will receive the IPFS Best Student Presentation Award.
Fujian A&F University